Saturday, November 18, 2006

a postcard from southern france

I found it in my desk this morning. a beautiful postcard filled with small, smaller and tiny upside-down handwritings in blue ink. it looks like this:

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and the writing says:

It's a warm autumn day in St. Siffret & Ibu Gill & I have just returned from visiting Arles, an ancient town where my favorite painter lived for a year.
(Chocolate for you if you can guess who)

Got this card after seeing an eye-opening exhibition 'Venice & the Orient' @ the Arab Institute (Paris). Hope you like the colors.

I hope you have Ubud all under control, and Idul Fitri was a decent break from work + good family time.

In case you are wondering what one does while on holiday in France,
I typically wake up in the dark of 7am to watch the sky change colors grey-red-orange-clear-blue before exploring sleepy village for tasty morsels & wine, or gathering mushrooms in the forest - before a trip to historical landmarks or art museums etc etc...

Afternoons are for writing & evenings for chit-chat over good food & wine -
did I mention near-solid dark HOT chocolate to dunk fresh croissants in?

what a sweet surprise! I'm thrilled.
thank you very much for those roses
and cozy French atmosphere that you sent.

there's a period in Vincent Van Gogh's life when he moved to southern France. this was the time when Van Gogh did circular motion of the brushstrokes, gives the effect of shimmering halo. it was Arles Period. and altough Gauguin visited Van Gogh there, I'm not sure that there was any painting connected to Arles by Gauguin.
hmmm... that's why you like that Homage mural in Denpasar so much:D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for the chocolate you sent to me

loh? hihiihihi....
*kabur ah*

duka yang menyusun sendiri petualangannya

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